Stay Upright - Pillion Riding - Fun... Or Fright!
They are as much a part of the riding experience as you - and can impact upon it to the same degree. By following the points in this simple checklist, you can do a lot to ensure first time pillions become repeat passengers. Sharing the enjoyment of motorcycling with a pillion rider is becoming increasingly popular judging by the number of riders travelling two up these days.We would like to share some tips on making pillioning a pleasant experience for both rider and passenger.
Essential pre-ride information:
_ A pillion should wear the same safety clothing as the rider. That is a properly fastened AS1698 helmet, sturdy jacket, trousers and boots.
_ Gloves may be uncomfortable, especially on a hot day, but are vital.
_ Provide a pre-ride briefing, particularly for novice pillions.
_ Identify where hold points are located and explain how and why to hold on.
_ Describe what sensations to expect when accelerating, changing gears, turning, braking and coming to a stop.
_ Explain that feet must remain on the foot pegs at all times. Gently squeezing the rider with the pillion's knees helps to generate a feeling of stability when on the bike.
_ Cornering can be unsettling for a novice pillion and the temptation may be to sit upright inadvertently steering the motorcycle off the road.
_ The pillion must mimic the rider's upper body movement, ie. lean into the turn, pointing head and shoulders in the direction of the turn. Lean forward under acceleration and lean back under braking.
_ Agree on a communication method, such as a tap on the leg or shoulder, indicating the pillion wants to slow down or stop.
_ The pillion should await a clear signal from the rider before mounting and dismounting. Many a bike has been toppled by an over exuberant pillion.
During the ride:
_ Be smooth in control operation, especially throttle, clutch, gears and brakes.
_ Avoid doing anything that alarms the pillion, especially high speed cornering.
_ Resist the temptation to demonstrate power or speed. Even gentle acceleration on a motorcycle will exceed anything experienced by the average motorist. Low to moderate speeds in the open air will feel very fast for a novice.
_ Avoid sudden braking, by slowing early and gently. Quick stops which cause the pillion to slide up the seat can be dangerous. Remember, a pillion's weight can add 20% or more to the combined mass, and will cause a corresponding increase in braking distance when stopping.
At Stay Upright we believe a little preparation time, before carrying a pillion, is well worthwhile and will increase the enjoyment factor.
Until next time. . . . .Safe pillioning.
Brendon Thompson
State Manager Tasmania
Stay Upright
Motorcycle Techniques