Mens Health OnYourBike Exhibition
Presented by The Armidale Mens Shed. The exhibition goal is to explore the various options of biking, to encourage older men to be more active. As most had their first mechanical/biking experience with the bicycle, moving onto motorcycles, cars etc, many are rediscovering motorcycles in their later lives. Therefore we will tell the story of Ducati, its development from early post war T1 & T2 Cucciolo, clip-on bicycle motors, with a number of later models & information on display. We will also have a range of curiosity motorcycle and bicycle models included in the exhibition. Armidale is located on the Northern Tablelands in Northern NSW. About travel distance btw Brisbane & Sydney, on the New England Highway.
As our event coincides with the international Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride, we have included an invite to those who may be on the road that day, to call in on their way through, to that event.
We wish to invite motorcycles riders and interested people to come along on the day. in the hope of making this event a success for our Mens Shed and Mens Health. Free Coffee/Tea/Cake Sausage sizzle available on the day and auction of items @ 2:00 pm Entry $10 (includes 3 tickets in raffle Accompanied youth under 18yrs Admitted Free
Extends into October