Hot Rod's For The Homeless WESTERN SYDNEY Trash & Treasure bazaar
Best street ute, Best chicks ute, Best off road ute, Best trade/work vehicle, Best classic vehicle, Best decorated/themed vehicle, Best ute in show, Best Australian, Best American, Best muscle car, Best hot rod. Best Asian, Best European, Best British, Best car in show, Best club display, Best bike in show, Best chicks’ bike. Best Harley Davidson, Best non-Harley Davidson, People's choice, Best modified, Best custom, Best modern vehicle. Best modern muscle car, Best chicks’ car, Best chick's bike, Best daily drive. Best daily ride, Best B and S ute, Best trike, Best big rig, Best corporate display, Hot rod hound, HRFTH belle.Vehicle Entry $10 to enter car or bike. Bump in for show vehicles 6.30am - 8.30am. General Entry Adults $10, Students and Pensioners $5, Families $20. Call Rohan on 0416 257 586 for more information.