2023 Festival of Motorcycling
Motorcycle Ride Week 5 days of rides During Ride Week, including a site tour of Gillman Speedway with morning tea,
“Night of Champions” Q&A session with MC Jason O’Halloran & guests from Speedway, Observed Trials, Land Speed Record holder and an introduction to the Next generation of Road Racing with members of the bLU cRU.
We finish this year’s Festival with the FOMsa “Ride for Research” poker run.
Saturday 30th September, pick up entry packs from RSL 19 Rosetta St West Croydon 12-3pm
Sunday 1st October AH 59 Club Ride to V&V Balhannah Swap meet & on to Barossa Vintage Collingrove Hill Climb start 8.30am Tower Hotel Magill Rd
Monday 2nd October COMCC “Murray Lands Ride” start 8.30am Civic Park, NE road Modbury
Tuesday 3rd October TRC Adelaide “Hills Ride” start 9.00 am Hawthorn Crs.Hazelwood Park
Wednesday 4th October Barossa Valley Classic Motorcycle Club “Barossa Ride” southern Riders start Civic Park 8.15am Older & Slower Machines start Pioneer Park Lyndoch 10.30am
Thursday 5th October Site tour of Gillan Speedway including morning tea 10am 65 Wilkins Rd Gillman
Friday 6th October DOCSA “Southern Ride” meet carpark at rear of Victoria Hotel Main South Rd O’Halloran Hill 8.30 am
Saturday 7th October :-Details to be advised.