2022 Motorcycle & Scooter Toy Run for Father Bob
THE TOY RUN FOR FATHER BOB is an important annual event when motorcycle, scooter & trike riders assist, by collecting toys for the
FATHER BOB MAGUIRE FOUNDATION, to distribute for Christmas to less fortunate families, in particular children, who they look
after every year. Since Covid-19, the Toy Run For Father Bob is even more vital. Hosted by: Sidecar Racing Club of Victoria - 'Come & Try' Day - $150 pp to have a go!Father Bob & Santa lead Christmas slow lap of the track. State Motorcycle Sports Complex, 260 Strath Creek Road. Toy Run partners Orange Knights Motorcycle Club (OKMC) leading ride from:
Morgan & Wacker Harley-Davidson® Melbourne, 370 Cooper St., Epping, from 9.30am fuelled & ready for ride briefing 9.45am, prior to departure 10.00am. Please observe road rules and instructions from OKMC lead riders, VicPol & West Traffic. Riders participate at theirown risk. We welcome all riders to dress up and decorate their motorcycles, scooters, trikes, sidecars & trailers in the festive spirit.”